In Loving Memory
Martin Lee

December 11, 1956 – January 27, 2021
Martin Hyung Il Lee was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, moving to Los Angeles during high school with his parents, 2 sisters and a brother. He attended UCLA for college, where he developed a love for UCLA athletics, pursued a degree in physics and met his future wife. Despite the cross-town rivalry, Martin went to USC for medical school and completed his medical training at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center before opening his own private practice. He was wholly dedicated to serving his patients and community, and, even while battling cancer, he was determined to work throughout his treatments and put his patients first.
Martin’s incomparable work ethic was driven by his desire to provide for his family, who were always his priority. He married his college sweetheart Aeri at 21 years old and had 2 children, Bobby and Jenny. His time off was spent with his wife and children, and he loved being “Bibi” to his 3 grandsons. Martin enjoyed sharing meals with his family, whether at a restaurant to celebrate a birthday or at home around a large bowl of his stewed short ribs. He used his physics background to lead hands-on science lessons to Jackson and Coby during the COVID pandemic and instilled a love of cars in baby Aiden.
Martin loved travelling the world. He bragged when he would get so tan in Hawaii that he would be mistaken for a local. He enjoyed exploring small towns in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and France, finding quaint inns and restaurants along the way. He loved to brag about delicious local specialties he discovered on his travels. He especially cherished trips closer to home with Aeri, his kids and grandkids – whether it be a weekend in the desert or in wine country.
Martin was a resilient man and strong in the face of a challenge, from having 2 young children during medical school and residency to defying the odds following his cancer diagnosis. He fought to outlive survival statistics, blessing his family, friends and patients with more time to enjoy his presence.
On January 27, 2021, Martin passed away with his wife and children by his side. May he rest in peace, knowing how greatly he was loved and admired by all who knew him.
In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center in memory of Martin Hyung Il Lee to support the cancer research of Dr. Heinz-Josef Lenz at the USC Norris, Development Office, 1441 Eastlake Avenue, Suite 8302, Los Angeles CA 90089-9181 or If supporting online, please click on the “Memorial and Tribute Gifts Information” link. When filling in “The Amount” page, please fill in “In memory of” “Martin Hyung Il Lee”. Notification can be sent to the family at 1636 Chastain Pkwy, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Under “Comments”, please include “please direct to Dr. Heinz-Josef Lenz”.
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Celebration of Life
Saturday, Februrary 6
4:00 PM Pacific
Please join us for a celebration of Martin’s life. Information on how to join the ceremony is below.
Before the day of the ceremony
1. Please register to attend the ceremony by clicking the button below.
2. If you do not already have Zoom, please download the application below.
On the day of the ceremony
Please refer to your registration email for instructions on joining the ceremony. Feel free to email if you need help.
Please join us in celebrating Martin’s life by sharing your stories and memories of him.
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Martin’s family has asked that guests who wish to make a donation in his honor consider donating to USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center in Martin’s name. When filling in “The Amount” page, please fill in “In memory of” “Martin Hyung Il Lee”. Notification can be sent to the family at 1636 Chastain Pkwy, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Under “Comments”, please include “please direct to Dr. Heinz-Josef Lenz”.
As a friend of Dr. Lee’s son Bobby, a lasting memory comes from when I first met Bobby in college. When he answered his phone one day, he greeted the caller as one would a close friend. When I asked who it was, he replied “oh, my Dad.” The close and comfortable relationship they had made an enduring impression that I still appreciate over 20 years later. I am deeply saddened by this enormous loss and feel blessed to have been impacted by Dr. Lee, even in a small way.
I attended LAC-USC for my residency and fellowship and got to know Martin. He was always a rare “ray of sunshine” at the County, always positive and upbeat. Later we would meet up again at the Good Samaritan Hospital where he was respected and the “go to gastroenterologist”. No matter the time of day, he was available if the patient was in urgent need. We would stop in the doctor’s parking garage and share stories of our families. We would also share photos on Facebook. He remained positive and hopeful even with his illness. I am sorry I never got to know his family, saw he and Aeri occasionally at the Good Sam parties at the California Club. I will miss you my friend.
삼가 고인의 명복을 빌며, 크신 위로가 남은 가족들과 함께 하시길 빕니다?
고맙습니다, 수고에감사드립니다 .
소중한 인연인데,
빨리 작별인사를 했네요.
천상 평화를 위해
기도 올리며,
유가족들에게도 깊은 위로
Dear my beloved brother,
As your younger brother, we shared lots of activities in our younger days – playing baseball catches, catching football in the backyard, shared the love of UCLA and Dodgers. All those things are wonderful memories that will last forever in me and I will cherish it forever. I know that you are at good place with the Lord and we will meet again. Love you, your bro James
I remember the first day we met at USC medical center for my 4th year rotation, you as a third year medical student.
Always a nice sweet gentle soul, a competent physician colleague.
You will be missed my friend..
With deep sadness
Kristy Kim
사랑하고 존경하는 의사
최고의 위장내과 의사
환자를 먼저 생각하는 의사
일을 너무 좋아하는 의사
당신의 이름은
Dr. Martin Lee 입니다
함께 일 할수 있어 영광이었고
환상적인 일 솜씨 이젠
더 이상 볼 수 없어 속상하고
너무 빨리 떠나게 되어 가슴 아프고
그러나 마지막 가는 길
옆에 있게되어 감사했습니다
이형일 선생님
이렇게 선생님 부음소식을 듣게 되리라 상상도 못했음니다 지금 이순간에도 진료실로 노트북을 들고 들어오시면서 선생님 특유의미소와 함께 별일 없으시죠 하고 문진하시던 모습이 떠오릅니다
선생님을 다시 뵙지 못한다는 사실이 애통하고 슬프지만 선생님의 따뜻한 미소와 모습을 간직하고 기억하겠습니다
그동안 치료해 주셔서 감사했읍니다
I met Dr. Lee at Wilshire Endoscopy Center and continued to work with him at Good Sam hospital.
I worked beside him for 15 years .
More than a doctor more than my boss he was my friend.
I will remember all our talks about movies , food , vacations.
Thank you Dr. Lee. I will miss you.
You are the best.
All the shared patients talked about your health and prayed for you. You were loved by all who knew you and you will be missed greatly.
아니 이렇게 불러보는것이 너무 어색할정도로 나의 사랑하는 형일아…
갑작스런 소식에 할말이 없고 선했던내친구 너 형일모습속에 눈물만 흘러내리는구나….
아프는것은 늘 듣고있지만 친한친구라서 혹시라도 민폐를 줄까봐 조심스럽던 내자신이 너무 부끄럽구나…
이제 아픔없는 천국에서 편안을 누리고 그동안 친구가 그토록 심혈을 기울이면서 환자를 돌보던 그성실과 사랑을 많은사람들이 오랜시간 기억할것으로 믿으면서. 친구여. 편안히 잠드소서…. 흐르는 나의 눈물을 참지못하고 울어버린 나…형일이 몹시 보고파지면서…사랑하는 친구. 천국에서 만나길 소망하며. 더이상 아프지 말길 바라네. 남은가족들이 영원히 좋은아빠.할아버지 그리고 사랑스런 남편으로 기억할것이라고….
너무 슬픈나머지 친구에게 보네는 나의 편지에 이름을 못셨네.
다시 한번 불러본다
더이상 아프지말고. 천국에서 만나자
모든 일에 최선을 다하시던 Dr Lee 항상 조용히 웃으시던 모습이 생각 납니다 고인의 명복을 빌며 크신 위로가 가족들에 가득하길 빕니다
I went to elementary school with him back in Korea. I remember him as a very smart, full of life and quick-witted boy. Also he was quite mischievous and got in trouble with teacher all the time. I came to LA few years before he did. But I found out through friend many years later that he was here and was practicing medicine. I did go see him for treatment and he was a kind and gentle soul unlike how I remembered him when we were little boys.
He left us too, too early.
My prayers are with him and his family.
Thinking of your family and wishing a moment of peace & comfort as you remember a remarkable life of Dr Martin Lee…
We share in your sadness and send your family healing prayers and comforting hugs.
We are so sorry for your loss…
My first job was in high school at Uncle Martin’s office on Olympic Blvd. After all these years, I’ve finally learned something from that job, what kind of worker not to be. Thanks for helping me get on the right track and not firing me on the second week, Uncle Martin.
존경하는 이 형일 원장님,
오늘 저녁 미리 배달된 2-4일자 신문에 실린 부음 기사를 접하고 저도 모르게 소스라치게 놀라 일찍 잠자리에 든 아내를 흔들어 깨웠습니다. 그리곤 몇번을 제 노안을 의심하며 읽고 또 읽고… …!!!
너무나 충격적인 소식에 저도 모르게 코끝이 찡해오며 눈시울이 붉어졌습니다.
존경하는 원장님,
감히 기억 하건데 20여년전 의사와 환자로 인연을 맺고 부터 저와 아내를 위해 매번 진료에 임하실때 마다 원장님 께서 배푸신 진료는 의술이 아닌 인술 이였습니다.
약간은 긴장된 마음으로 기다리는 진료실, 안면 가득 해맑은 웃음으로 그 어떤 권위(?)나 무표정은 찾아볼수없고
듬직한 형 편안한 친구 포근한 가족처럼 친근한 모습으로 늘상 변함없이 인술을 베푸셨던 원장님.
또한, 제가
2014년 경 몹쓸병에 걸려 무척 고생하며 힘들어 할때 백방으로 치료에 힘써주시고
현대의학으로 치료할수있는 모든 방법을 동원하여 용기와 희망을 주셨으며 지금까지 건강하게 활동할수 있도록 많은 노고를 아끼시지 않으셨던 원장님.
환자의 상태를 당신에 신체 이상으로 살피시고 살피시더니 어찌 당신에 건강은 챙기지 못하셨는지 참으로 애통하고 비통한 마음 금할수가 없네요. 아니면 “인명은 재천” 이여서
그리 허무하게 가셨나요 ?!!!
언젠가 어렴풋이 원장님께서 편찮으시다는 얘기를 풍문으로 듣고난 그후로도 꾸준히 진료를 하시기에 별 대수롭지않게 생각했고
지난해 12월초 정기 검진시 뵈였을때도
건강해 보이셨고 언제나 그러하셨듯
일상적 대화도 하시면서 저희 내외 건강을 먼저 챙기시던 분이셨습니다.
워낙 실력이 출중한 분이시니 어련히 당신스스로 잘 챙기실것이라고 굳게 믿고 있었기에 오늘저녁 지면을 통해 알게된 원장님에 부음은 실로 충격 그이상 이였습니다.
그러나, 이렇게
애통해 하며 비통해 하는것보다는
그간 저희 내외에게 배풀어주신 성자 슈바이쳐 를 능가캐 했던 원장님 에 인술을 회상하고 추모 해보는것이 훨씬더 값진 일이라 생각하고 졸필을 부끄러워 하지않고 기억을 더듬어 이글을 올립니다.
그간 너무나 수고 많이 하셨습니다.
당신에 따듯한 미소와 인술을 영원히 기억 할것 입니다.
당신께서 저희 내외에 건강을 지켜주셔서
크나큰 영광이었습니다.
감사 합니다. 그리고 고맙습니다.
부디, 고통없는 천상에서 영생 무궁토록
편히 쉬시기 바랍니다.
유족 여러분들께 심심한 위로를 전해 드리오며 이시대 최고의 인술을 배푸셨던
마틴 이 형일 원장님 에 명복을 빕니다.
존경하는 선생님
십년이란 시간을 선생님과 일할 수 있어서 너무 행복했습니다.
항상 환자 생각에 제대로 쉬시지도 못하셨는데…
우리는 기억할 겁니다.
당신은 진정으로 멋진 의사였습니다.
Martin will be greatly missed by many. He was brilliant doctor, still actively helping patients until the very end. He was full of life and still had potential to do so much good. He loved to travel, I have many happy memories of traveling with him. As a friend and colleague, I felt blessed to know him.
We became family, we got to share two grandsons, Jackson and Coby. He was always engaged with them, building toy cars and teaching them about many things. It was very nice grandfathering with you and it saddens me to have to continue without you. I’ll do my best to keep your memory alive for the boys.
I miss you very much.
지금이라도 금방 TIME OUT외치시면서 저 GI LAB 문을 박차고 들어오실것만 같은데
아무리 환자들이 많아도 불평한번안하시고 더바쁘면 더 에너지가 솟아나셔서 간호사들 다섯명이 선생님 스피드를 못쫒아 갔지요. 선생님 별명이 “SPEEDY GONZALES”잖아요
선생님과 30년넘게 일을했는데 저뿐만아니라 모두선생님과 일하는걸 좋아했어요 정말 하늘이 주신 명의 셨어요. 병원의사들,간호사들, 모든 스태프들이 찾는의사 바로 우리 선생님..
못하시는게 없고 모르시는게 없으셨던 우리쌤. G00D SAM 병원 30년넘게 저희들과 나눠주신 사랑과 60′ 년대 노래와 정겹고 즐거웠던 대화들,눈물들 잊지 않을께요.감사했어요 선생님.
그동안 너무나 수고하셨어요 우리들기억속에 영원히 살아계실꺼에요.
선생님이그토록 사랑하시며 proud하게 자랑하시뎐 가족들에게도 하나님의 큰위로가 함께하시길 빕니다.
참으로 좋은 의사 선생님!!
많은 의사들에게 귀감이 되는 닥터 이형일 선생!!
삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다!!
Feb. 4. 2021
Journey towards home.
십년 전 이 형의 코치를 받고 처음으로 유럽 여행을 떠났었지요.
cinque terre, Florence,Venice.
그 때 이형은 벌써 유럽 여행 전도사였지.
항상 활력이 넘치던, 미소 띤 더벅머리.
St. Vincent 병원에서마주치곤 했던 Dr.Lee 가 기억 납니다.
Eternal, rest and peace..
Journey towards home.
십년 전 이 형의 코치를 받고 처음으로 유럽 여행을 떠났었지요.
cinque terre, Florence,Venice.
그 때 이형은 벌써 유럽 여행 전도사였지.
항상 활력이 넘치던, 미소 띤 더벅머리.
St. Vincent 병원에서마주치곤 했던 Dr.Lee 가 기억 납니다.
Eternal, rest and peace..
선생님 지금 금방이라도 GI LAB에 들어서면 계실것 같은데 그 모습을 볼수 없다니 너무 슬프고 그리울듯 합니다. 419 폭동때 흰 가운을 벗고 KOREA TOWN 을 구해야 한다며 뛰쳐 나가시던 모습도 선합니다. 우리 가족들의 위장내시경,대장내시경은 모두 선생님 몫이었죠.권위 보다는 가족같아서 믿음이 가던 선생님,이수만 콘서트를 보러 가시던날 틴에이져처럼 설레어 보이셨죠.제가 유방암 진단받자 암전문의께 후배라시며 바로 전화를 주셔 REFERAL 해주신 고마운 선생님. 환자분들을 모두 기억하셔서 경의롭던 선생님.아직 제 가족들은 선생님이 필요한데 저희들을 남겨 두시고 먼저 좋은 나라로 가셨군요. 그곳도 선생님이 사랑하시던 스위스 같이 아름답고 평화로우리라 믿습니다. 하나님이 늘 함께 하셔 행복하시길 빕니다
오늘 한국에서 online 중앙일보를 보다 이형일 박사님의 부고 기사를 보고 깜작놀라 제 아내를 불렀습니다. 저희는 미국에서 21년 살다 지난해 2월에 한국으로 영주 귀국하였습니다. 미국에서 살때 제아내가 취장염으로 위험한 상태라 암으로 전위될수 있다는 박사님의 진단으로 수술과 치료로 완치하여 지금까지 건강하게 살고있는것이 박사님 은혜로 생각하며 자주 박사님 애기를 자주하며 살고있는중에 너무 급작스런 소식에 가슴이 아픔니다.
부디 하늘나라에서 영생을 누리시기를 하느님께 기도하며 애처로음을 달랩니다.
So long 오빠!
You will be in our hearts forever!
육동회장 이호규입니다.
이형일원장과는 중앙고등학교 동창입니다. 우리가 이제는 65세로 접어드는, 한국에서는 공식적으로 노인 대우를 받게 되지만 이것은 아니라고 생각됩니다. 유가족께 심심한 위로를 드리며 삼가 형일의 명복을 빕니다.
Rest in peace!
늘 열정적으로 일하시고, 정성을 다해 환자를 보시던 모습
그리고 시간을 내어 항상 겸손하게 공부하시던 모습이 생각납니다.
함께 일할 수 있어 정말 영광이었고 감사했습니다.
I have known Martin Lee for over 3 decades, starting from the time he was a trainee fellow in Gastroenterology at USC. Although our contact elapsed for a dozen years when he was in practice, this was reestablished when I left USC and began my private practice. I saw first hand that confirmed his reputation as a fine caring physician who offered exceptional care in a compassionate and efficient manner for his patients. His large practice of Korean patients for whom he offered primary as well as expert gastroenterology care attested to his reputation in that community. He was extraordinarily talented in endoscopic expertise and for which I often consulted him for biliary procedures. His punctuality was legendary. I could not negotiate adding a patient to the list before he started because all GI lab staff knew that encroaching on Martin’s time was an unacceptable act! Martin was devoted to his family and reveled in the joys of his children’s accomplishments and being with his grandchildren. Although he travelled widely, he loved his retreat in Hawaii. He met the challenges of his disease headlong without compromise including two serious surgeries, one of which almost cost his life. He was ever the optimist in combating the march of the disease until his end. He will be remembered as a person whose indefatigable fight to overcome the odds of his condition with calm, dignity, courage and an inner strength is a lesson for us all. My sincere condolences to his family at this difficult time. I am certain that they are all supported in sorrow, in the hollow of God’s hand.
선생님과 같은 병원에서 일 한지 어느덧 15년이란 시간이 흘렀내요.
항상 긍정적으로 저를 encourage 해주셨고 제가 힘들때 마다 좋은 조언을 해주신 선생님
몇년전 저에게 일년은 나에게 10년의 시간 이라고… 이제는 고통없은곳 에서 편히 쉬세요.
그동안 환자 보시느랴 수고 많으셨 습니다, 감사 합니다!
Dr. Lee Thank you so much for all your encouragement and support!
There is nothing that is invincible for a soul as spirited as you…
Yet you bowed down to death to honour God and his will.
Rest in peace.
Uncle Martin never failed to ask me how I was doing every time I saw him and he would always listen to me rattle off all the things I was doing in my life and encourage me to keep up the hard work~ And it was always such a joy to hear him talk about how he met Aeri Eemo, how Jenny Unni and Bobby oppa were doing, and about the latest cute thing the grand babies did ❤️
You will be missed so much !!!
as a colleague, friend, and more like a younger brother to me.
Dr Lee,
I respect and admire you and Mrs Lee very much. You treated us and the patients with so much respect and was always good-natured at the clinic, despite it all. I am truly grateful for the chance that I got to work there and learn and grow. Thank you, again… I know that you did so much for those around you, your family, and your community. I hope you are in a better place now, in peace.
My heartfelt condolences and profound sympathies to the family of Dr. Martin Lee.
His dedication to his family, friends, profession, patients and Korean community will leave an lasting legacy that will be remembered forever.
I enjoyed those times when you shared your stories about your trips and how you cherished those moments driving with your wife heading to the small towns in Europe.
Thank you for making me welcome every time I come and see you to make my calls in your office. How you call and remember the names of your representatives made them special and respected.
May the perpetual light shine upon you. Rest In Peace
My deepest condolences to the Lee family. Dr. Lee was a wonderful man and I have fond memories of him welcoming us into his home during my college years with his son, Bobby. He also graciously offered his time to meet and consult with my mother-in-law with her own cancer diagnosis several years ago, which I know served as a great comfort to her. May God’s presence be felt in the Lee household and may Dr. Lee rest in peace.
I haven’t seen you since UCLA days. I remember you always hang out with your wife Aeri. I visited to my in law house and saw the article of Dr. Lee’s passing. It’s been more than 40 years since we haven’t connected, but now I wished I should’ve gotten connected again since he loved traveling all around the world. There were many UCLA Korean students who wanted to be a doctor, but you were one of the few made it. I am proud of you, but yet I feel we lost great doctor in Southern California area. I pray and hope the Lord will comfort family and my friend Hyung Il R.I.P.
Dr. Lee, you will be missed. Deepest condolences to the Lee family.
Martin Lee 선생님,
조만간 찾아뵈려던 중에 신문의 부고기사에 너무 놀랬습니다. 선생님과 개인적인 친분을 맺지는 못하였지만 선생님의 많은 환자중에 한명으로써 감사한 마음과 이렇게 일찍 보내드려야 하는 슬픔을 전합니다. 선생님께 마음속으로 인사라도 드리고 싶어 장례식 참관하면서 선생님에 대해 더 알게 되고 이렇게 좋으신 분을 너무 일찍 데려가시는구나 하는 생각이 많이 들었습니다. 가족분들과 가까운 주변분들 마음 깊은 위로드립니다. 이형일 선생님, 좋은곳에서 편히 쉬세요.
Dear Dr. Lee!. You are a wonderful, sincere, earnest and reliable GI consultant for past 30 years. May God lead your spirit to green pasture and rest in his arms. Thank you for your care on my patients well. May our Lord pour out his blessing and protection upon your lovely family till this journey finished
Dear Martin,
It was not long enough to enjoy our friendship.
This life is not long enough anyway.
Lisa and I miss you dearly and will meet you in heaven.
We look forward to a tour of heaven when we meet, just like how you gave us a tour of Hawaii.
Rest in peace my friend.
Dr Lee , we will miss our travel partner in France of so many years . Thanks to you we discovered France . I thought I knew France but I did not . You wanted to go to Mont Saint Michel , we drove all the way up from South of France to Mont Saint Michel and we discovered these amazing restaurants in the middle of nowhere and in one of them the Chef seating at our table showing us his awards . Great moments in the Loire valley visiting castles . You wanted to go to Lyon , we went to Lyon and ate at Bocuse restaurant the # 1 Chef in France . You wanted to see Freddy Mercury statue in Montreuil , we drove to Switzerland . We discovered Annecy on the way and we had lunch by the lake on a beautiful day . What about Divonne les Bains , only 2 restaurants , the food was so good we kept going to the same restaurant every day . I have to say Dr Lee each restaurant we went to , you were like a little kid in a candy store , all excited and bombarding me with questions about the French people . What about the Basque Country French side and Spanish side ? I could go on and on …..San Sebastian and the Maria Cristina hotel ….Castillo de Arteaga …..the Chipirones that you loved so much . The mussels with Sophie parents between Biarritz and Saint Jean de Luz …..then the flat tire on the way to Bordeaux . They were great moments of our lives . 3 months ago you told me you were holding tight for the next trip . We are still going , taking mrs Lee with us and we will think about you all the time . Au revoir Dr Lee . I forgot Alet les bains , Mirepoix and the best Cassoulet in our lives …Saint Jean pied de port another amazing lunch watching the pilgrims departing for Santiago …..
Dr. Lee, you have been my family’s primary healthcare provider for the last 30+ years. We knew we were in good hands whenever my parents and I had health issues. When my grandmother passed away, you were there to send her off. When my father had kidney stone issues, we knew we could rely on you.
Thank you very much for guiding us along the way. Words cannot express how sad we are to have heard this news and that we cannot see you anymore. May you rest in peace and deepest condolences to your family.
Dr. Lee was my 1st PCP after moving down to Los Angeles almost 19 years ago.
Condolences to Mrs. Lee, and family. R.I.P.
그 동안 한인타운에서 위장내과
전문의로서 봉사를 많이 하시던
사랑하는 고 이형일 선생님
이제는 이 땅에서 다시는 볼수 없는
곳에서 편히 쉬시고 계시겠군요
오랜 동안 몹쓸 질환으로 고통을
겪으셨는데 이제 모든 것 하나님께
맡기고 편히 쉬세요
유가족 여러분
그리고 친구 여러분들이시여
예수님 이 땅에 다시 오실 때에
우리 모두 생명의 부활로 다시
살아나 기쁘게 만날 수 있다는 소망을
가지고 큰 위로를 받으시기를
I knew Dr. Lee for over 30 years now as a close family friend and then as the father in law to my sister and the grandfather to my nephews. It was so meaningful for me to hear the beautiful words of his friends, family and especially his colleagues. I have a much deeper understanding of who he was and what he meant to the many people that he knew outside of the tiny circle we shared. Bobby and Jenny, you put together a lovely memorial service for your father. He will be greatly missed.
I remember making a solar powered car out of a water bottle. My brother and I enjoyed learning engineering from my grandfather. We will miss you!
I like when we would play battleship and watch the show Popeye.I also liked making cars with a water bottle.I really miss you bibi😭
Rip Dr Lee my condolences to family much love to you Dr Lee see you in God’s Hawaii will drink some mai tais and lava flows on me